
  1. Ph.D., Université de Sherbrooke

    Doctorat en informatique (AI and Health Informatics)
    Supervisors: Dr Shengrui Wang and Dr Alain Vanasse (MD, PhD)
    Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada, 2019

    Thèse: Large-scale Data Classification and Longitudinal Data Mining for Survival Analysis (Classification des Données à Grande Échelle et Exploration de Données Longitudinales pour l’Analyse de Survie)

  2. M.Sc., Fujian Normal University

    Master's in Computer Science
    Fuzhou China, 2013

    Thesis: Research on Subspace Classification Methods and Their Applications


  1. Principal Scientist, DeepCox

    Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 2024
  2. Chercheur, Université de Sherbrooke

    Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada, 2022
  3. Engineer (Bioinformatics), Gene Precision Oncology

    Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 2021 - 2022
  4. Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Alberta / Amii

    Directors: Dr Russell Greiner and Dr Nidhi Hegde
    Support: Dr Anne Snowdon @ University of Windsor / SCAN Health
    Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 2020 - 2021
  5. Postdoctoral Scholar, Case Western Reserve University

    Director: Dr Yanfang Ye @ University of Notre Dame
    Cleveland, Ohio, USA, 2019 - 2020
  6. Assistant de recherche, Université de Sherbrooke

    Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada, 2014 - 2019
  7. Intern, Chinese Academy of Sciences

    Shenzhen China, 2012 - 2013

Awards & Honors

  1. 2021 CIKM Best Paper Award (First Author)

    Ranked 1st among 1251 submissions

    30th ACM CIKM named my paper RxNet: Rx-refill graph neural network for overprescribing detection as the Best Paper among the 1251 submissions

  2. 2019 PAKDD Best Application Paper Award (First Author)

    Ranked 1st among 567 submissions

    23rd PAKDD named my paper Time-dependent survival neural network for remaining useful life prediction as the Best Application Paper. My work ranked 1st among the 567 submissions

  3. 2019 Concours prix étudiants pour articles (Best Students' Paper Prize)

    Ranked 2nd among all medical articles

    I have been awarded the Best Students' Paper Prize (le concours prix étudiants pour articles scientifiques) by CRCHUS, CdRV, and CR-CSIS at the Sherbrooke biggest hospital (CHUS), for my work Feature-weighted survival learning machine for COPD failure prediction in 2019

  4. 2019 Prix de la meilleure thèse de doctorat (Best Doctoral Thesis Award)

    Ranked 1st @ Faculté des Sciences, Université de Sherbrooke

    Faulté des Sciences named my thesis Large-scale data classification and longitudinal data mining for survival analysis as the Best Doctoral Thesis across the five departments of Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Mathematics, and Physical, for 2019

  5. 2019 Liste d'honneur aux supérieures (Graduate Honor List)

    Université de Sherbrooke, 2019

    My name appears on the Graduate Honor List for 2019

  6. 2013 Outstanding Master’s Thesis Award

    Fujian Normal University, 2013

    Fujian Normal University named my Master’s thesis Research on subspace classification methods and their applications as the Outstanding Master’s Thesis for 2013

  7. 2013 Outstanding Graduate Student

    Fujian Normal University, 2013

    I have been awarded Outstanding Graduate Student by the Fujian Normal University for 2019


ADMA 2023 DEXA 2023 AINA 2023 IJCAI 2022 CIKM 2021 PAKDD 2019 CAp 2017 AINA 2017 ICDM 2016 AAAI 2016

Review Services

Conference PC Member

AAAI (2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025) KDD (2022, 2023) ICDM (2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2025) ECML/PKDD (2020, 2022, 2023) ACL (2024) PAKDD (2024, 2025) AINA (2017, 2023: session chair)

Journal Reviewer

ML (2024) AIM (2023) ESWA (2021-2023) KAIS (2024) CC (2023) SciRep (2022-2024) IEEE Netw Mag (2023) JMH (2023) DAPR (2018-2024) Comp Netw (2023) NPJ MHR (2024) BMC ED (2024) BMC MRM (2024) IJEM (2024) ASEJ (2021) IEEE TITS (2022) IEEE TBD (2019) IEEE TKDE (2019) IEEE TNSE (2019) Heliyon (2024) JKSU-CIS (2019) IJCOPDJ (2019) COPD (2019)